Hall Effect Animation
The Hall effect is
due to a combination of two electromagnetic fields. The first, the electric field, E, results in
an electric current in a resistor or a conductor. Then, if we have a magnetic field, B,
directed perpendicular to the current, we will obtain another current that is
perpendicular to both the original current and the magnetic field. This animation will show both currents as
well as how they change when the E and/or the B fields are switched on or off.
The Hall effect is often used in three phase brushless
motors to determine controller switching timing.

Figure 1: Picture
showing the Hall Effect Screen. Applied
voltage is indicated by the red and black bars at top and bottom. The magnetic field is shown as the circles
with dots indicating vectors coming out the screen. The electrons drift upward and to the left
due to the Hall effect.
The electric field, E,
due to the applied voltage, V, is
where h is the height of the conductor/resistor. The current density, J, in the y direction is
defined by:
where σ is the conductivity. Charges that are participating in this
current density feel a force to the left equal to:
where q is their charge and v is their velocity, mostly in the y direction, and the x between v and B means the cross product.
The form of equation (1.3) indicates that the
cross product, vxB, is really another electric field, this time in the x direction. Therefore, using the same method as in
equation (1.2)
we can write the current density in the x direction:
Now we should quantify the speed, vy, of the
charges in the y direction. We can do
this by re-writing Jy in terms of this speed:
where n is the density of electrons.
Solving equation (1.5)
for vy we have:
and substituting the result into equation (1.4)
we have: