Harmonic Oscillator Motion
The simple harmonic oscillator’s (SHO) motion is a good approximation of the motion of practically all real-world objects that present periodic motion. Even though the SHO’s restoring force is linear in displacement, its motion is a good approximation for a motion of a system with non-linear restoring force, at least within a limited range of the latter’s displacement. Even the motion of higher energy state electrons in atoms simulates that of a harmonic oscillator. Therefore a good grasp on the dynamics of the SHO goes a long way toward understanding the dynamics of the real world.
The picture on the left shows the important parameters of
the SHO. They include a spring (shown here as a coil with spring constant k Drag element Constant=b Spring Constant=k
, often called a dashpot,
with a constant b Newtons-seconds per meter) and a Mass, M, at the bottom. The function of the spring is to restore the
mass to an equilibrium height and the function of the drag element is to realistically
simulate the decay of any oscillation that is in progress.
The equation that describes the motion of the mass is:
To solve equation 1 we make the substitution:
where i is the square root of -1, Real[] denotes the real part of the resulting value, Y is the peak displacement under any preset conditions, t is time, and wc (which has units of 1/time and is complex) is a parameter for which we will solve.
Using equation 2 in equation 1 we have very easily:
The result for wc is:
We see from equation 4, that if b=0 i.e. no drag, then
where we have defined w0. Also, to simplify notation, we now separate the real and imaginary parts of equation 4 by re-naming these quantities:
Using equations 6 in equation 2 we have
The meaning of equation 7 is that, if we initially displace
the mass from its equilibrium position by distance Y and have initial speed
zero, then the subsequent motion will follow the product of the cosine periodic
motion times the exponential decay coefficient.