Eddy Current Drag for A Magnet
in A Conductive Pipe
If you
slide a magnet on a sheet of copper (a good conductor) it will slow down much
more quickly than when sliding on a sheet of plastic (a poor conductor) even
when the surfaces of both sheets have the same coefficient of friction. The reason is that the moving magnet creates
large eddy currents due to the change of change of magnetic flux in the copper
sheet. The present document concerns
itself with a more efficient geometry than a sheet as shown below.
Figure 1: Cylindrical magnet in a vertical copper
pipe. When the magnet moves down the
pipe, it creates eddy currents that limit its falling speed, v, to a constant
What is interesting about this problem is that, because of
symmetry, the magnet by itself would not produce magnetic fields due to eddy
currents that would resist the force of gravity. However, when the electromotive potential due
to the eddy currents adds new eddy currents to those of the falling magnet, the
symmetry is broken and a magnetic force that opposes gravity is formed.
Motion of the magnet
The Newton's law
differential equation is
where m is the magnet mass, v is the downward speed, g is the acceleration of gravity, and bv is the velocity-dependent drag force
due to eddy currents in the pipe.
The solution for this equation is
So that, for reasonably large drag forces, v comes to a
steady state value very quickly.
What is the
value of b? Experimentally, for a 7 mm diameter copper tube, with 1 mm wall
thickness and for approximately 5 mm diameter magnets of 7 mm length and
approximately 1 Tesla strength at their poles, the steady state speed vss
=mg/b is about 60 mm/second. Since mg is
about 0.013 Newton, the value of b
must be:
Of course this drag coefficient results from the eddy
currents induced in the copper pipe by the moving magnet. The power dissipated by these currents while
the magnet moves through the earth's gravitational field without speeding up
must be:
and this power has to be
where ρcu
is the resistivity of copper, J is the current density in the copper, and the
integral is over the circumferential cross-section of the copper pipe.
The next
important question is how the current density, J, arises. That is due to Lenz's law which states:
and it is Vcircumferential that induces the
current density:
Just one more equation is needed since we don't have dΦB/dt:
Computing the Magnetic field due to Magnet and Pipe Combined
The partial differential equation for the magnetic field is:
where A is the
vector potential, P is the polarization
(related to magnetization and often called the remanence field), and μ is the permeability. We assume that P is constant in the permanent
magnet and solve this equation for A. Then the magnetic induction is:
Since the whole problem is axi-symmetric, we solve it in
cylindrical coordinates using finite element methods. A typical result is shown below in Figure 2.
Figure 2:
Showing a contour plot of the axial magnetic induction, Bz,
due to a magnet of polarixation P=1 Tesla in a copper pipe . The contour lines are skewed vertically
because of the eddy currents in the copper pipe.
The opposing field exerted by the eddy currents in the pipe
Since the magnet moves at constant velocity inside the pipe,
the opposing force must be the weight of the magnet:
The mass of the magnet is computed by the equation
where ρ is the density (kg-m-2) of the
magnet material, rm is the
magnet radius and hm is
its height.
A formula for the force provided by the interaction of the
magnet field and the eddy current field is:
where Bm is the permanent magnet's
field (about 1 Tesla), Be
is the eddy current field, and Am
is the magnet cross-sectional area.
Setting Fem equal
to mg provides the equation for Be.
For our 1 Tesla magnet, Be
turns out to be 3.3x10-11 Tesla.