Empirical Calculation of Mean
Free Paths
Mean free
path is an important parameter for the transport properties of a gas. The transport properties include thermal
conductivity, gas mixing, and viscosity.
These properties involve diffusion which is basically a random walk
process. In this random walk process,
the mean step size is the mean free path.
To compute the rate of diffusion, one has to know the number of
collisions per second as well. See
Appendix for information on mixing rate versus time.
How the mean free path is computed in this program
the mean free path is the average distance traveled by an atom between hard
sphere collisions. For finite size
containers this distance must include the distance from the last atom-atom
collision to a collision with a wall as well as the distance between the wall collision
and the next atom-atom collision. For
this reason the program saves the times of atom-atom collisions and the speed
after that collision and the new mean free distance becomes the result:
where l is the
distance, s is the speed, t' is the time of the new collision and t is the time of the old collision.
Of course, an atom-atom collision always involves 2 atoms so
there are 2 such distances, l1
and l2, for each
collision. To compute the mean free path
we add both l's to a distance sum:
We also increment a collision counter,
The mean free path, λ,
is then computed, after a very large number of collisions, as:
Theory for mean free path
The usual
expression in 3 dimensions is that the mean free path is
where n is the density of atoms per unit volume and σ is their collisional cross section area. For 3 dimensions the expression for σ for hard spheres is
where r is the
radius of the hard sphere. For a mixture of two different atoms of
different radii, the expression of σ is:
When the atomic species have different densities then n
In 2 dimensions the density is the number of atoms per unit
area, n2, and the collision area becomes a simple length. Then
the expression for mean free path becomes:
If we have
an initial setup where atoms of a given type are all concentrated at x=0 while
atoms of the other type are spread out over the entire x domain, then the rate
of the first type's spreading, mixing or heat conduction will be proportional
to the square root of the rate of collisions that are made. For a single atom, the rate of collisions
will be
where <vx>
is the average x speed of the atom. The
number of collisions in a given time interval, t, will then be:
The rate of spreading is proportional to the square root of
N(t) times the step size which here is the mean free path: