Animation of Partial Pressure of Gases
animation shows the evolution from atomic collisions of the partial pressure
results associated with the perfect gas law.
Importantly it also shows how to extend the usual three dimensional
result to two and one dimension.
Standard Perfect Gas Laws
The total
pressure due to a mixture of gases in a container is given by:
where P is the pressure (N m-2), V is the volume
(m3) N is the total number of atoms in the volume, k is Boltzmann's
constant, and T is the absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin. The partial
pressure law is entirely similar to equation except that it expresses the pressure
due to each atomic type, m, in the container.
where Pm is the pressure due to the mth atomic
type and Nm is the total number of atoms of the mth type in the
container. In equations 1 and 2 it is
assumed that atom-atom collisions have caused the temperatures (average
energies) of all the atoms to become equal.
In this animation, we will start with either all the atoms of a given
type with either random or equal energies.
The energy distributions of the atoms will, after a time, become the
normal Boltzmann exponential where the exponential coefficient is the average
Van der Waals
recognized that in denser gases the total volume of the N atoms could become a
substantial fraction of the total volume of the container and this fraction
could modify equation 1 causing the pressure to have a more complicated
dependence on N, atomic radius and volume.
The modification is especially important when the gas density approaches
that for a phase transition to a liquid. For the animation presented here we
will assume that the gas is rarified enough that the modifications presented in
the above link are not needed.
The perfect
gas law presented in equation 1 is derived in the Appendix A for 3, 2, and 1
dimensional gases.
completeness, since the perfect gas laws depend on energy equi-partition,
Appendix B discusses how the energy distribution is computed from hard sphere
collision kinetics and Appendix C discusses the hard sphere collision kinetics

Figure 1: Showing results for 3D gas with 500 red
atoms and 400 blue atoms. The estimated
pressures are from and Appendix A. The actual pressures Vs time are computed
from the momentum transferred to the walls of the container. The other curves are the energy distributions. The difference between estimated and actual
is due to the rather small number of atoms in the samples.

Figure 2: Same as Figure 1 except for being a 1D gas
with 200 red atoms and 250 blue atoms.
The results are for 20 Sub-Domains.
Computing the Pressure from the Motion of the Atoms
Three Dimensions
pressure may be gauged by the force that the walls of the container has to
apply in order to keep atoms that hit the wall inside the container. For this animation it will be assumed that
the wall receives no energy from the atoms that collide with it. To keep it simple, we will consider the
container to be a box of width X, height Y and depth Z. The amount of momentum change, dp, needed to
reverse the motion of an atom colliding with the wall at x=X is
where m is the mass of the atom and vx is the x
component of its velocity. If δn
atoms hit an area δA of the X wall in time δt
then the force per unit area (pressure) needed to reverse the x component of
the momenta of all of them is:
where <vx> is the average x component of
the velocity for the n particles.
Equation 3 has units of force per unit area and is the equation used by
the animation program to compute the pressure when considering a 3 dimensional
gas. The total area of our container is
The program sums up all the collision momentum changes for
all 6 walls during a single time interval and computes equation 3.
Two Dimensions
For a two
dimensional gas the depth can be considered to have gone toward infinity so
that the areas of the Z walls are negligible compared to the X and Y
walls. Then equation 4 becomes:
where the definition of the perimeter, 2(X+Y), has been used
and it should be remembered that the sum over vz will be much
smaller than the sums over vx and vy.
Also, for a
2 dimensional gas we need to determine the analog of the volume that was used
in equation. Obviously, letting
Z>> X,Y makes no difference in the volume:
However, to show that the results in 2D are consistent with
equation 1, we should look at the ratio of P2D to P
from equation 1. When this ratio is
taken it cancels the Z dependence:
and therefore the new wall area for the 2D case becomes the
perimeter, 2(X+Y), and the new volume in equation 1 becomes the area, XY. The units for 2 dimensional pressure are therefore force per unit length.
One Dimension
We will
assume that the motion is in the x direction and, similar to the 2D case, let Y
and Z be very large compared to X so that the areas XZ and XY are much smaller
than YZ. Then the equations for the 2D
case can be converted to following form:
The ratio of P1D to the P in equation 1 becomes:
so that the new effective volume for equation 1 becomes X
and the new effective area becomes unity.
The units for 1 dimensional pressure are therefore simply force.
But the
force exerted by a particular atomic type on the end of the one dimensional
domain depends on which type of atom happens to be closest to the particular
end. So, in order to reduce statistical
fluctuations of the partial pressures, we must separate the domain into a
number Ms of equal sub-domains and compute the force at the ends of
each. Since the average number of atoms
in each sub-domain is reduced by the factor 1/Ms and the length of
each sub-domain is also reduced by the factor 1/Ms, this division
doesn't affect PT in equation 1. However, the total forces on all
the ends that result from equation 7 must be reduced by the factor 1/Ms
since there are Ms more ends being impacted. Then equation 8 becomes:
Appendix A: Derivation of Equation 1
We want to
be able to compare the numerically computed kinetic pressure results in the
preceding section with the expected results from an analog of equation 1 which
uses the average translational kinetic energy of the particles in place of a
factor of kT, the thermal energy. For
that reason, here I derive the analogs of equation 1 in 3, 2, and 1 dimension.
a. Three Dimensions
The time
that elapses between a single atom's collisions on a single x=0 or x=X wall is
The momentum
imparted by a single collision of an atom with the x=X wall is
and therefore the force due to a single atom imparted to the
wall is
However, since the energy is divided into 3 equal orthogonal
(x,y,z) components we can now derive equation 1. The total average energy of the atom is
so that Fx becomes:
and then the pressure on the x=X wall becomes
Boltzmann's law states that each degree of freedom (e.g. Ex)
carries kT/2 thermal energy.
so that finally we can write PX in terms of the
temperature and volume:
b. Two Dimensions
In the 2D
case, the main change from the 3D case is that now the energy of a single atom
However, since there are only 2 degrees of freedom we have
and therefore the computed pressure is still the same:
where A is the area of the 2D domain and becomes the
effective volume.
c. One Dimension
For the 1D
case, there is a big difference because the only atoms that have access to the
ends of the 1D domain are the 2 that are closest to the ends. Since the average spacing of atoms is X/N,
the single end collision time for one of these atoms is therefore reduced to
The force that a single atom exerts on its adjacent wall is
For one dimension, the pressure is equal to the force and
which is really the same as equation 1 except for the factor
2 and the fact that now the effective volume is X.
Appendix B: Energy Distribution N(E)
The program
uses the results for velocity changes that are given in the next section to
compute the kinetic energies of all of the atoms at each time increment. These energies are used to compute a bin
number, b
where Emax is several times larger than the
average energy of all the atoms and nbins is the number of energy
bins that we use.
When an atom has bin number b, an integer array component,
iEb, is incremented by an the integer 1. After all of the atoms have been polled, iE
contains the distribution of number of atoms Vs atom energy, N(E). But, since we use 80 bins and we are limited
to only about 1200 atoms, that would result, if N(E) is constant, in an average
bin population of 15. The variance of 15
is about 4 and this would result in very erratic N(E). What we really want to know is the relative average occupancy of the
energy bins. To obtain the final relative occupancy of the bins, it is
acceptable to keep incrementing iEb after each time interval. If we do this for a very large number of time
increments, the initial transient changes of N(E) will be "averaged
out". It is equivalent to taking
many "snapshots" of the atomic energy distribution and averaging the
results for each bin. Then what is
plotted as a histogram is
where t is the snapshot number and T is much greater than
animation makes separate histograms for red and blue atoms. In addition, a least squares fit of an
exponential function (the Boltzmann distribution) to the data in the histogram
is made. The relative occupancy number (RON)
equation is:
where <E> is the average energy of the entire atom ensemble
just as expected for a Boltzmann distribution.
The animation shows beyond doubt that the RON equation has the same form
and constants for red and blue atoms regardless of their masses, numbers and
initial energies.

Figure 1: Diagram of the animation after evolution was
reasonably complete with an average energy <E>=3.0. Note that the green and purple exponential
plots are a good fit to the red and blue atom numbers per bin histogram with
correlation coefficients of 1.0. Also
note that the exponential coefficients were very close to -1/3.0 as expected
for a Boltzmann distribution.
Appendix C: Mathematics of Hard Sphere Scattering
Atom-Atom Collisions of Different Mass and
Here we
will consider spherical atoms which have the different masses, m1
and m2, and diameters, D1 and D2. The centers of the spheres will be labeled (x1,y1,z1)
and (x2,y2,z2). Upon collision, the momentum transferred
between the spheres will always be along the unit vector between their centers:
is the distance between centers. Since the animation is illustrated in only 2
dimensions, the collision analysis will assume a containing box that is large
in the x and y dimensions but very thin in the z dimension. The following
vector mathematics is correct for either 2 or three dimensions.
The expression for the final momenta in terms of the initial
momenta is:
where the apostrophe on the left side of the equations
indicates the final velocities. We know
that the energies are conserved so
The directions of the change in momenta are along the vector
of centers, u, and the values of the
changes of momenta must be equal and opposite.
where M has units
of mass and is still to be determined.
Using equation 5 in equation 3:
Now we can use equation 6 in equation 4 to solve for the
value of Mδv.
where the large dot stands for the dot product and equation
7 simplifies to:
We can now make the identification:
where M is known
as the "reduced mass".
Equations 6 and 8 are a complete solution for the final
momenta. The final velocities are computed by dividing both sides of equations
6 by their respective masses:
Suppose m2>m1. Then we see that the magnitude of the speed
added to molecule 1 will be larger than the magnitude of the speed removed from molecule 2. We can easily see from equation 7, even
though the averages of the dot products are zero, that, on average, the collision results in an
increased kinetic energy for atom 1 and a decreased kinetic energy for molecule
2 because of the mass term in the denominators.
Summary of Results for Average Energies After Collision
After a collision with initial energies E10 and E20
we obtain the following results:
When the above result is averaged over all angles between u and vi that actually
lead to a collision i.e. u.(v2-v1)<0 we obtain:
Summary of Average Energy Results for m1=m2=m
When m1=m2=m so that M=m the results
for average E, <E> , are easily seen from equations 12 and 13 to be:
With a little more difficulty the results for the variances
of E, <ΔΕ>, are given by the following equations:
Discussion of Scattering for Equal Mass Atoms.
So, what really happens when the masses are equal, is that
the energies redistribute themselves into a gaussian-like pattern with the
gaussian width greater when the energy differences are greater. Of course, the minimum outcome for any energy
is always zero, so the distribution tends to become biased toward its E=0
If we start with mono-energetic atoms, E0, so
that Etotal=2E0, then the first variance will always be
0.250E0. A fraction of these
scattered atoms will have energy 2E0 and an exactly equal fraction
will have zero energy. The next
scattering, when with atoms with energies E0, can result in energies
from zero energy up to 3E0.
When the next scattering is between 2 atoms that have energy of 2E0
the final energy can be as large as 4E0 but that is a very unlikely
event. Of course, since neither is
moving, atoms with zero energy don't scatter with other atoms of zero energy so
these latter remain at zero energy. In
fact the number of scatterings per second depends on the energy of the atoms,
so this makes all the lower energy atoms
less likely to scatter with similar low energy atoms.
We could write the following approximate differential
equation for the rate of scattering of atoms
where n is the atom density, vr is some average relative speed, and σ is the collision cross section. Thus the rate of change of energies via
scattering depends on the sum of the velocities of the two atoms involved. This is one of the mechanisms that I think
would cancel out the usual tendency for the
atoms to form a symmetric gaussian distribution centered at the average
energy. The other mechanism is that,
while any energy higher than the average energy is possible, the minimum energy
is always zero so a lot of atoms tend to accumulate near the zero end of the
number Vs energy distribution.
We can also
say that there are few high energy atoms because they scatter quite often so
that they usually get their energies degraded by scattering with lower energy
atoms and become "thermalized".