Random Walk Animation
Random walk
determines a lot of processes in physics.
For example, heat flow from a localized hot region into surrounding
cooler regions can be described by random walk.
For this animation we will show how random walk builds up a gaussian
distribution probability of locations of a one dimensional position vector.
Random walk
is a process where an entity has equal probabilities of stepping in either the
positive or negative direction. For
concreteness, let's call the entity a particle.
This might at first seem to dictate that, after many steps, the particle
would not have made any progress. That does
happen to be the most likely result but there are many other cases where the particle
actually displaces from its starting location.
What we will show is that the ensemble (frequency distribution) after
many trials of particle positions is a gaussian and the width of that gaussian
is square root of twice the number of steps, ns, each particle takes
times the particle step size, δx.
If the time rate of steps in dn/dt then we can re-express equation (1.1)
as a function of time, t:
Plot of both the randomly computed distribution
(stepped trace) and the proposed gaussian fit (smooth curve) to that
distribution. The vertical lines show
the position x= while the horizontal line shows the 1/e
position on the smooth curve.
Relation to Heat Flow
In the case
of heat flow in solids, the particle is the phonon and it random walks from
higher temperature regions to lower temperature regions. The result above corresponds to the case
where there is, initially, a nonzero temperature, T0, at x=0 and
zero temperature at all other locations.
In that case the solution to Poisson's equation for the time and spatial
function describing the temperature is
where κ is the diffusivity (conductivity, K, divided by the heat capacity per unit
volume, CV) and t is
time. If we compare equation (1.3)
with (1.2)
we see that they are the same with the exception that, ιν εθυατιον 1.3, Τ0=1 ανδ 2κ = .