Ring Resonator Interferometer
Ring resonators operating in non-steady state mode can be
useful. This document will detail how
ring resonators fields are built up and how they dissipate.
Math for Maximum Resonance
To keep this as simple as possible we will let only one
mirror have non-zero transmission so that this mirror will be both the input
and output mirror. That mirror's
amplitude reflectance as observed from outside the resonator will be labeled re
and that from inside the resonator will be ri. For our purposes we will assume that ri
is a positive real number. Optical
physics then dictate that re will be -ri. To get started let us assume that the total
optical path around the resonator is an integer number, N, of wavelengths so
that the phase delay of light around the resonator is .
For our purposes it will be adequate to measure time in
units of L/c where L is the resonator path length and c is the speed of
light. For L=30 cm L/c is 1 nanosecond
which is an experimentally convenient to measure time increment.
Light that is being injected n units after the source has
started up, will be coherently reinforced by the echoes of its preceding
injections by the quantity:
It is well known that this is a geometric series and has the
exact sum:
Now, if the source provides amplitude E0, the
primitive input through the mirrors transmission coefficient will be
and, at any time n after the source has been started, this e0
will be enhanced to en by factor F(n):
Now we can express t as a function of ri:
Since the resonator has no internal loss, it would be
reasonable to expect that, during steady
state operation, the sum of the transmitted intensity out of the input
mirror and the reflected intensity from the input mirror will be just E0. We will now show that to be true. Note that
However the reflected field is always:
Steady state means that n in equation (1.6)
goes to infinity so that etransmitted becomes:
Then, combining equations (1.7)
and (1.8)
we have
as expected.
The output Vs time after the input has started is
proportional will look like an exponential due to the 1-r^n term. Below is a plot Vs n:
Figure 1. Plots
of the internal field and intensity as well as the resonator output Vs the
integer n which represents time for an amplitude reflectance of 0.96.
The curve for e in Figure 1 looks like the exponential:
where ne is
a constant that defines the value of n when f(n)= 1-1/e.
Note that the term in the numerator of equation (1.4)
is an identity which can be confirmed by taking the
logarithm of both sides of the equation:
so that
Thus we can conveniently compute the values or rn
by computing a natural logarithm and a single exponential.
Math when off Resonance
When the path length around the resonator is increased so
that the total phase shift is
then equation (1.1)
and equation (1.2)
The numerator in equation (1.16)
still goes to zero as n becomes very large.
But the denominator in equation (1.16)
is quite different from the denominator in equation (1.2)
We can see how this effects the resulting en by
multiplying by the complex conjugate:
When n goes to infinity, the minimum value of the Fo
in equation (1.17)
is 1/(1+r2) and the maximum value is 1/(1-r).
Figure 2:Real and Imaginary parts of the field amplitude
(when fully charged) Vs phase offset expressed in radians.
Discharge of Amplitude and Intensity
To express the amplitude Vs n when discharging we first look
at the expression for charging in equation (1.10)
Discharging the amplitude has the same time constant as
charging and thus
where fd(n) is the field amplitude at pass n, n
is still the total number of passes after turn-on of the input and n0
is the number passes at which the input was turned off. Since fd is the field, the
intensity, I, must be proportional to this quantity squared:
Recall from equation (1.13)
For this section let
me generalize the definition of r to
be the coefficient of the single pass amplitude return to its starting
point. Then will be the coefficient of the single pass
intensity return to its starting point.
These coefficients will then be reduced by mirror scattering losses,
mirror absorption losses, and bulk absorption losses of any media between the
Now let's relate ne to the intensity losses per
pass which are expressed:
Now we will specialize the intensity losses to the case
where 1-r<<1 so that
Solving this equation for r we have:
Thus we have
Since lI<<1
it is a good approximation to say
and therefore
Then equation (1.20)
I wish to point out that equation (1.28)
is correct and is in agreement with published results for "cavity
ring-down spectroscopy".
Figure 3:Charge and discharge of a resonator's
amplitude and intensity as a function of the number of passes since
Note in Figure 3 that the amplitude discharge is the
complement of the amplitude charge. Also
note that this is not the case for the intensity discharge which is far faster
than the intensity charge. This latter
asymmetry is true of the energy of
capacitors in series RC circuits as well.