Taylor and Wheeler Lorentz
The Taylor and Wheeler derivation relies entirely on the
velocity invariance of the space time interval between two events. This invariance is usually shown by a
kinematics diagram where a light signal is emitted in a direction perpendicular
to the usual direction of motion such as in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Kinematics diagram of the light pulses used
to show that the space time interval between emission and detection is the same
whether in the rocket frame moving at speed v or for a stationary earth
The space-time quantity called the invariant (with respect
to the observer's frame of reference) interval between two events is the
that, strangely, does
not depend independently on the value of because changes just enough to compensate for the
change in . The kinematics of this become obvious when we
draw a diagram of the emission, reflection, and reception of a light pulse
which travels in a direction perpendicular to the x axis while the motion of
the primed coordinate system is parallel to the x axis.
What I'd like to do is the re-write the interval in terms of
the electromagnetic quantities that really constitute the speed of light
squared, and . Then
the interval equation (1.1) becomes
where, for the time being, I have chosen to remove the zero
subscripts from and so that the expression applies to a material
body as well as vacuum. This equation
demands that space and time between two events are inextricably bound
together regardless of the speed of the observer and the coefficient of the
binding just happens to be which happens to be 1/c2. If we, in
the first place, had postulated that equation (1.2)
holds regardless of the motion of the observer, we could have avoided the
kinematics diagrams that lead to it.
Let's take the simplest case where the one reference frame
is inside the rocket so the speed in that frame is zero then in that frame :
Then relative to this interval any other interval will be
the same so we can solve for
Since no transformation is required, it is very easy to determine ,
so equation (1.4)
gives us a very simple way to get a numerical value of if we know .
Deriving The Lorentz Transformations from The Invariant Interval
They take
the case of the pi meson from the upper atmosphere whose lifetime is extended
by a large factor by its speed. The two
events are the birth and death of the pi meson.
The distance between these events is
where t is the time between events and v is the speed of the pi meson after
birth. Taking the interval between the
events we have
where t' and x' are the time and position in the meson
inertial frame and the intervals are the same in both frames. Of course the value of x' is always 0 in the
meson frame and the time between birth and death, t', in the meson frame is tπ which is about 8
nanoseconds. Now we can solve for the
value of t.
and then we also have
Note that
the most fundamental concept used here is the invariance of the interval which,
in turn, relies on the fact that the
speed of light is the same in all inertial frames of reference.
The simple
way of deriving the invariance of the interval is to set up a clock on a rocket
where light pulses are sent along the y axis in the rocket frame to a mirror at
a given distance from the rocket and then received. The lab frame's time interval between sending
and reception is different from that of the rocket but the interval between sending and
reception is the same in both frames.
The foregoing is a rather special case in that x'=0. Let's now generalize this to cases where x'
can be any value. We can write equations
and (1.10)
to include both t' and x'.
Again require that the interval in both frames be the same:
Collecting t'2
terms we have a simpler equation:
which means that the remaining x' terms on the left must
equal -x'2.
Obviously the cross term in t'x' must be zero so
And we also have the condition that
Using these results we write the final expressions for
equation (1.11)