Mathematics of Two Attracting Particles

General Setup

Note: Bold characters in equations denote vectors.

Central force law

We then use Newton's mass times acceleration=force law for the total momentum:

where xi are the positions of the centers of the bodies.

R is the center of mass vector

Conservation of momentum:

Center of mass speed:

since the second time derivative of R is zero.

Center of mass position vector:

where t=time.

Particle relative displacement r:

Newton's ma=F law for 1-2 displacement


Reduced mass:

Mass sum:


Kepler Orbit Parameters:

where G is the gravitational force constant

For the non-vector r acceleration, we must take centripetal acceleration into account:


For gravitational forces:


 where G is the gravitational constant

For charged particle forces.

where Z1 and Z2 are the charge numbers of the particles, e is the electronic charge, and e0 is the permittivity of vacuum.  The following Kepler orbit treatment will be valid only for particles of opposite charge.

The specific angular momentum, H, is a signed constant pointing along the z direction:

where r0 and v0 are the starting values for r and v and

The speed transverse to r is:


Let s=1/r:

Then from equation 1 we can write the following differential equation for s:

The solution for s is:

where q0 is the usually chosen to be 0 at the major axis.

If we let q-q0=0, then we can compute e in terms of the initial value, r0, of r:

If H is large enough, |e| can be larger than 1 and that will cause a hyperbolic orbit.


Speed parallel to r:

Define a speed associated with the constants of motion:

To choose reasonable initial values for r0 and v0, see the Appendix.

We next obtain the initial angle using the above parameters:

where arctan2(y,x) computes the value of q0 on the entire unit circle.

Orbit eccentricity e from above parameters:

Note that e can be negative as used in this document.

Coordinate system unit vectors, x1,y1, of the major and minor axis of the ellipse:

where the unit r and q vectors are defined in terms of the initial r as follows:


r(q) can now be expressed in terms of q0 and qdot as:

where the rate of angle change:


We want to express the new vector r in terms of the x1 and y1 coordinate system so that at q=q0 the values r and r0 are the same.  Obviously we can write the following vector expression for r any time t:

We only have to use the expressions for unit vectors x1,y1 to express r in terms of the original coordinate system.

The inverse relations for x1 and x2 are computed below:

Repeating the expressions for R and r:


Figure 1: Diagram of the elliptical orbit of the separation vector r showing the tilted ellipse angle qr0 as well as the angle of r in the elliptical coordinate system .  The diagrams of the individual particles will be different.

The value of qr0:

Appendix: Finding the maximum relative velocity for an elliptical orbit of finite size:

Repeating the equation for the second time derivative of r:


Rewrite A1 using the chain rule:


Integrating both sides with respect to r we have:


If we set r2 equal to infinity and relative velocity at r2 equal to zero then we can solve for the maximum allowable speed at r1:


The speed in this equation is often called the "escape velocity" but is more accurately referred to as the escape speed since its value doesn't depend on the direction of .

Equation A4 is useful conceptually but, for the animation purposes, we can't allow r2 to be infinity.  Therefore using equation A3 but this time setting r2=rmax and = we have a more useful expression for rmax :


A reasonable choice for might be