)dpx and the 3D momentum probability is F(px,py,pz)=f(px)f(py)f(pz)dpxdpydpz we can change the differential to energy and rewrite this as G(E)=exp(-p^2/)p*p*dp=exp(-E/)sqrt(E/)dE thus getting the expression used to fit the 3D energy here.
Using the same collision equations elevated to higher dimensions, we could model particles with access to 4 or more dimensions. Of course, these higher dimensions usually refer to rotation and vibration modes.
For 1D the situation is even more complicated for 2 reasons: First, the particles can interact only with their nearest initial neighbors. Second, there is no orthogonal dimension (like x,y) for the momentum to be transferred to during a collision. As a result, the momentum distribution does not approximate a gaussian exp[-p*p/()] which is a correct distribution for, say, the y component of the momentum in 2D. So I have used a function involving the square root of the energy to describe the 1D energy distribution.
Converting the momentum differential, dp, to energy we would have dp=dE/sqrt(E) which is what I have used for 1 dimension energy distributions.
It should be noted that, while the energy distributions for 2D and 3D are mono-energetic, the initial distribution for 1D is flat. with the same average energy as for 2D and 3D.