About Me
Semiconductor Electron Energies and Band Gap 1D
Semiconductor Electron Energies and Band Gap 2D
Simple Fermi Surface
p-nJunctionDiode Depletion Width
Temperature Dependence of 2D Fermi-Dirac Particles
Planet Formation
Illumination of Planets
Change of Orbit due to Asteroid Impact
Earth Time Zones
Day Lengths
Astronomical Aberration
Kepler Planetary and Sun Orbits
Model of Ocean Tides
Gravity Course Iteration
Spacecraft Speed Assistance by Gravity
Hohmann Transfer from One Circcular Orbit to Another
Star Distances Using the Parallax Method
Web Graphics Library 3D Compared to Javascript 3D Graphics
3D Graphics Tutorial Beginnings
Proof of Pythagoras a^2+b^2=c^2
Web Graphics Library 3D Compared to Javascript 3D Graphics
3D Graphics Tutorial Beginnings
Proof of Pythagoras a^2+b^2=c^2
Differential Equations
One Dimensional Optical Resonator Modes
Multiple Slider Animation
Learning CSS
Enhanced Sliders or Ranges
Collapsible Dropdown Menus
Arrow Functions
Probability of Birthday Match
Random Creation of Probability Function Profiles
Two Dies Probability Distribution
Three Dies Probability Distribution
Blood Pressure Measurement
The Eye and its Resolution
E=mc^2 and Mexican Jumping Bean
Radar Pulse Return Time Interval
Experiment to Determine Gamma
Current Loop with a Rotating Test Particle
Moving Fabry-Perot Interferometer
Space Time Invariant Intervals of a Moving Clock
Relativity Transformations by Requiring Simulataneity
Accelerated Space Trip Clock Times and Rates
Minguzzi Invariant Inertial Frame Time
Accelerated Space Trip with Light Pulse Signaling
Quantum Physics
Black Body Emission from Charged Harmonic Oscillators
Alpha Particle Emission from a Large Nucleus 2D
Quantum Animation of Energy Band Gap 1D
Animation of Quantum Wave Packets in a pn Junction 1D
Quantum Mirror Focusing by Iterating the Schrodinger Equation
Quantum Lens Focusing by Iterating the Schrodinger Equation
Quantum Two Mirror Resonator by Iterating the Schrodinger Equation
Entangled Quantum Object Propagation in a Parabolic Potential
Classic and Quantum Object Propagation in a Parabolic Potential
Accurate Wave Packet Propagation in a Parabolic Potential
Comparison of Quantum to Classical Physics 1D-Time Dependent
Accurate Wave Packet Propagation in a Swaged Potential
Series Solution of Wave Packet Propagation in a Infinite Square Potential
Propagation of a Wave Packet in a Parabolic Potential
Propagation of a 2D Wave Packet in a 2D Parabolic Potential
Propagation of an Asymmetric Shaped Wave Packet in a 2D Parabolic Potential
Two Slit Diffraction by Iterating the Schrodinger Equation
Two Potential Slit Diffraction by Iterating the Schrodinger Equation
Propagation of an Electron Wave Packet in an Infinite Square Well (Series Solution)
Propagation of a Free Wave Packet (Series Solution)
Series and Algebraic Solutions for Propagation of a Wave Packet in a Parabolic Potential
Comparison of Quantum to Classical Physics 1D-Time Independent Mexican Hat
Stationary Quantum States of a Finite Square Potential Well
Various Wave Packet Motion in a Finite Square Potential Well
Various Wave Packet Motion in a Swaged Potential Well
Comparison of Quantum to Classical Physics 1D-Time Independent Cosine/Parabola
Electromagnetic Modes of a 2D Cavity
Electromagnetic Modes of a 2D Cavity
Black Body Radiation Experiment and Theory
Emission of the Inner Walls of a Black Body Cavity
Multiple Slit Diffraction
Statistics of Indistinguishable Dice or Particles
Quantum Field Collapse Visualization
Matrix Operations and Eigenmodes
Bohr Correspondence Principle
Refraction Due to Dipoles in Two Media
Refraction and Reflection Two Media
Animation of Concave Mirror Reflection
Animation of Convex Lens Refraction
Prism Refraction-Wave Picture
Thick Lens Ray Trace
Monochromator (Czerny-Turner Type)
Wavelets from Concave Mirror>
Thick Lens Focusing
Optical Gyros
Sagnac Effect
Fiber Optical Gyro (FOG)
Ring Laser Gyro (RLG)
Geometric Derivation of Snell's Refraction Angle Law
Electromagnetic (EM) Wave Response to a Row of Dipoles
Electromagnetic (EM) Wave Response to a Single Dipole
Optics of a Transparent Plate by Iterating the Maxwell Wave Equation
Diffraction by Iterating the Maxwell or Schrodinger Wave Equations
Lens Focusing by Iterating the Maxwell or Schrodinger Wave Equations
Optical Wave Packet Propagation by Finite Difference Matrix 1D
Potential(x,y) Using Laplace's Equation Div(gradV)=0 with Variable Boundary Geometry
Potential(x,y) Using Laplace's Equation Div(epsilon*gradV)=0
Laplace's Equation Div(gradV)=0 with Mixed BCs
Potential(x,y) for Surface Electrodes with Dielectric Slab
Pemanent Magnet Field Plots
LCR Oscillator Animation
Beam Trajectory of a Moving Laser
Beam Trajectory in a Square Ring Laser
Doppler Effect
Converting Magnetic Forces to Electric Forces
Converting Permanent Magnet Orbital Moments to Solenoid Currents
Electron Beam Collimation by Axial Magnetic Field
Charged Particle Spatial and Speed Bunching
Electrical Conduction-Particle Picture
Electromagnetic Bell
Triode Vacuum Tube Animation
Electron Bunching for Klystron
Demonstration of Fourier Transform for Various Input Waveforms
Ion Drift in Neutral Particle Sea
Diffusion Equation Solved by Finite Difference Method
Linear Particle Diffusion
Heat Flow 1D with Time Dependent Boundary
Solid Cube in Liquid Column
Drag on a Large Sphere Due to a Digital Gas
Animation of a Gas Centrifuge
Laminar Flow of a Gas in an Annular Space
Laminar Flow of a Fluid in a 2D Bearing
Incompressible Fluid Flow through a Constriction
Fluid Flow Due To Pressure Gradients
Tumbling Block on Inclined Plane
Roller on Inclined Plane
Sliding Block on Inclined Plane
Generation of Curve for Fastest Time between Two Points
Curve for Fastest Time between Two Points
Bead Sliding On a Stiff Wire
Sound Wave in Two Solid Media
Mechanical Properties of a 2D Numerically Modeled Lattice
Vibrating Reed Numerical Model 2D
Laminar Flow of a Fluid in a 2D Bearing
Animation of a Fountain 2D
Gravity Leveling of a 2D Liquid
Longitudinal and Shear Wave Sound Speed in a 2D Lattice
Mechanical Properties of a 2D Numerically Modeled Lattice
Vibration Frequencies of a 2D Numerically Modeled Lattice
Damped Harmonic Oscillator
Motion and Modes of a Particle in a Mexican Hat Potential
Forced Oscillator
Roller Bearing
Cam and Roller Follower
Simple Hybrid Gear Train
Ratchet Animation
Child's Swing Height Increase Mechanics
Roller Chain Animation
Elasticity of 3D Gas Driving a Piston
Free to Forced Harmonic Oscillator Transition
Physics of Mounting a Tire on a Rim
Prediction of Hard Disc Collision Time and Position
Rigid Rotor Collisions
Scattering from a Crystalline Target 2D
Scattering from a Crystalline Target 3D
Acoustic Wave with Built-in Pressure
Acoustic Waves in 2D Numerically Modeled Solid
Wave 1D on a Linear Array
Waves on Discrete Model of Vibrating String
Linear Acoustic Wave in a 3D Gas
Spherical Acoustic Wave in a 3D Gas
Laterally Perturbed Two Dimensional Gas with Lennard Jones Repelling Forces
Longitudinally Perturbed Two Dimensional Gas with Lennard Jones Repelling Forces
Thermal Physics
Energy Conduction in a 2D Numerically Modeled Solid Lattice
Unbalanced Gas Dynamics:Energy Flow in a Gas
Gas Physics
Energy Diffusion from Mono-energetic of a Three Dimensional Gas
Rotating Gas in a 3D Toroid
Circulating Gas in a Wind Tunnel
Density Modulated Rotating Gas in a 3D Toroid
Position Diffusion (Mixing) of a Three Dimensional Gas
Energy Equipartition of a Three Dimensional Gas with Two Different Masses
Energy Distribution 3D with MathJax Equations and Embedded Canvases
Energy Distribution 2D with MathJax Equations and Embedded Canvases
Inelastic Collision Conversion to Internal Energy
Brownian Motion Animation 2D Using Hard Sphere Scattering
Large Disc Kinetics 2D
Condensation of a Gas on a 2D Solid
Gas Velocity Distributions
Gas Energy Distributions
Gas Energy Distributions LJ
Gas Energy Equipartition 2D
Maxwell's Demon Energy Seperator 2D
Gas Energy Equipartition 3D
1D Gas Energy and Momentum Distribution
Gas Energy Distributions 1D, 2D, 3D
Minimize Final Energy 2D and 3D
Rigid Rotor Energy Distribution
Gas Diffusion
Rotor Energies 2D
Rotor Energies 3D
H2O Energies 3D
CO2 Energies 3D
Gas Expansion 2D Linear
Gas Expansion 2D Constant Pressure
Gas Expansion 2D Circular
Gas Explosion 2D Circular
MagnetoCaloric Effect
2D Rigid Arrays with Rotation and Translation
3D Rigid Arrays with Rotation and Translation
2D Convection Loops in a Numerical Gas
Contact Me
2D Velocity Distribution Evolution The intent of this animation is to show the evolution of the occupancy of the energy states of a 2 dimensional Bose-Einstein gas as it is cooled down to become a condensate. Bose particles (Bosons)have the quality that any number of them can be in the same momentum state consistent with the temperature of the gas. The functional expression for the occupancy number (called the occupancy here) for a given momentum state is computed by the equation O(E)=Occupancy(E)=1/{Exp[(E-mu)/kT]-1} where E is the kinetic energy a particle that state, mu is the chemical potential, k is Boltzmann's constant, and T is the absolute temperature (E must always exceed mu). What is noticeable here is that, when E-mu is much less than kT, the occupancy can be much greater than 1 and an approximate expression for O(E) is kT/(E-mu). For our 2D case, E can be written E=(px*px+py*py)/(2*m) where px and py are the momentum components in the x and y directions and m is the mass of the Bose particle. As we cool down the whole group of Bosons by reducing their kinetic energy, some of the momentum cells will have experimental occupancies N greater than expected from the O(E) equation but this is expected because this is a dynamic process. During cooling we will need a measure of the temperature and for that we can the average kinetic energy
so may re-write O(E) by substituting
for kT: O(E)=1/{Exp[(E-mu)/
]-1} I chose to compute and apply color values to circular sector cells. The reason is that these cells represent the individual momentum (px,py) states of the 2D Boson gas. To initiate the animation I choose all of the starting energies the same so you will see that the initial momenta form a circle in the (px,py) plane. The particles will usually collide with each other so that their energies get dispersed, some going higher and some going lower. In order to condense into the expected Boson-Einstein distribution, the lower energy particles will participate less in collisions since they are moving more slowly. I show a 2D color plot of state occupancy Vs px and py. Below that, in black, I show a line plot that represents the occupancy along the px axis. Just for reference, I also show color plots of what would be the distribution of momentum values for both a Fermi-Dirac and a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. The learner has access to sliders that allow adjustment of mu and kT and the starting Fermion particle energy, E0. The rate of cooling (by reducing average energy) is also adjustable. The learner must understand that this animation is a case where many processes must take place in order for the resulting state to reach equilibrium so a maximum run time for the program for a PC is on the order of several minutes. When the average kinetic energy becomes less than 0.0001, the animation will stop and the learner can change parameters and restart it. The learner has access to sliders with which to adjust the program parameters: 1. The Average Initial Kinetic Energy, E0, per particle 2. A nominal value of the temperature factor kT 3. The value of the chemical potential, mu 4. The factor f by which the total kinetic energy is reduced each animation period
Velocity Distribution Derivation
Disc Radius
Blue Radius
Total Discs
Starting energy
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