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Motion of a Classic 1D Object

This animation uses the Lennard-Jones potential (LJ) as well as a parabolic potential to show the motion of a 1D chain of n particles as a function of time. The Lennard Jones Potential is


where `r` is the center to center distance between particles. The particles are nominally separated by the distance, `delta_"x0"`, where the force between any two adjacent neighbors is zero. The variables provided by the sliders are the maximum value of LJ potential, a small initial random displacement from dx0, a small initial random velocity of each particle, an initial random velocity of each particle, an initial velocity of the entire chain, a coefficient `a_P`for the parabolic potential, `V(x)=a_Px^2`, the value, `sigma_g`, of `sigma` in the LJ potential, and the total number, n, of the particles in the chain.